Thursday, February 27, 2020

Being a Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Being a Leader - Essay Example However, overtime Chung did not turn out as Leary expected since he distanced himself from her and fellow workmates, although his work was outstanding at first, Leary became uncomfortable with the way Ted conducted his business; as well, she was uncomfortable with his request. The main cause of the problem in the case is mistrust between Karen Leary and Ted Chung, among other concerns like professional conduct, cultural consideration, individual responsibility, self-interest, integrity, code of ethics and indecision. The primary problems in this case include Ted’s performance conflicting with company demands, language barrier between the industrialist and Karen the manager at Merrill Lynch and Ted’s withering of individual responsibility under demands of the client. Other problems include Ted’s Self-interest that led to greed and selfishness as well as Karen’s indecision regarding Ted’s request. In this case, Causes of the problems include culture at the organization before Karen became manager; Ted’s professional performance sometimes conflicted with the company demands and Self-interest. Other causes include Ted’s change in performance reporting, Chung’s integrity issues and decline of individual responsibility. ... Cultural framework determines human resource practices in many companies especially in recruitment and personnel management, which was the main cause why Leary hired Chung for the position of financial advisor to target Taiwanese investors. Since employee belief regarding obligations to organization or other employees is inherently perceptual and subjective, a person’s interpretation of terms and conditions of obligation may differ, which make employees to develop different comprehension of employer obligations. For instance, according to Elias and Linda (6), when Chung is ordered to stay at the sales assistant desk, he was uncomfortable with the request and maneuvered his way out of the desk. In evaluating Chung, it appears that Leary made perpetual errors in assessing him; for instance, it is clear from the study that Ted’s â€Å"increased displays of ego and temper† worried Leary (Elias and Linda 8). Moreover, even though, she was concerned with Chung’s slow start, with time Chung became a strong producer and Leary acknowledged that the Taiwanese market had the potential to be further developed (Elias and Linda 8). Nevertheless, Leary felt uncomfortable with various aspects of Ted’s performance since she did not know how Chung’s client was involved with the account, and matters were made worse by her inability to access the client because of the language barrier and the client’s close relationship with Ted. Although a year passed since Chung got hired, Leary tried to know Chung better but he often distanced himself from her and other financial consultants in the office (Elias and Linda 1). Within organization setting, individuals seek to fulfil personal goals, while at the same time others within the same

Monday, February 10, 2020

Reflection on my Cofacilitation Group Skills Demonstration Essay

Reflection on my Cofacilitation Group Skills Demonstration - Essay Example etings were scheduled and attended by the members and that each member completed their parts on time so that we could merge all the sections before acclimatizing to them to foster further understanding on us. With regard to my facilitation partners, I have to commend them, despite residing in different areas I fond working with them quite cordial as no one missed even a single meeting. They all played their parts thoroughly without being pushed and took the initiative to update the rest of the group about their finding so that we could share a common grounding. I must say I enjoyed doing business with them, it was a flexible group, eager to learn, time conscious, and with unique contributions. Even though every event was successful in the group work, my most well done duty was the actual presentation-how I engaged and controlled the audience within the provided time. My presentation was more of interactive and I think this significantly contributed to the understanding of my facilitation. Though the presentation was good, I had the feeling that I have to improve on time management, it is important that after the facilitation, the audience get time to ask questions and this was not the question with my presentation. Time was well managed but I did not allocate time for questioning and clarifications from the audience. The feedback from peers and the instructor was positive, they all commended my contribution and confessed they did not expect such a well-organized and articulated presentation form me. The instructor went ahead and said that I must have had adequate preparation for the presentation, which was true. I also came to realize that with commitment, hard work, and dedication to duty, everybody could improve on their ability to deliver n anything. My contribution to the group was enormous, having been proposed the leader; I had to ensure that all the prerequisite preparations are done on time. I scheduled meetings, delegated duties to the group members,